Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My camera didn't want to focus on this flower compleatly but it gives it a nice touch when the grass and leaves under it are grey and different shades of tan and brown and the flower stands out against it with its bright color of honey orange.
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I love this picture because I love the feeling it gives with how the railroad tie steps round around a corner with leaves spread over them past an empty bench. It's very mysterious
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I love this picture because it shows how the stones in the ground lead up to the steps on the other side of the fence up to the old "bird cage" for the cafiteria for the Idaho prision. It kinda has the medaphor of a broken rough life (the pathway) and the rose bushes on each side of it symbolize the good pleasent things in life and the thorns on the bushes (I know u can't see them) and the spaces between the stones symbloize the bad times in life and the steps leading up to nowhere are the steps to heaven. That's what it says to me, anyway.
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This was taken from my back porch right after a rain storm early November.
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I love this picture because its a dark hallway but the light from the rooms criss-cross on the floor. and how the carpet leads up to the mirror. This was also taken at Hot Lake Springs
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This was taken at the side of the Hot Lake Springs Hotel.
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Empty Prision Cells

This Picture was taken at the Idaho State Penitentiry, Cell house 3. One reason why I love this picture is how the cells closer to the lense are darker and how the paint is peeling off the walls and it gets brighter going down the walk to the windows. It's like you're walking down a dark road and its gradualy getting brighter along the road because you're, like, walking into heaven. You're walking home.
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This picture was taken in early October at the Old Idaho State Peniteniary. This was taken after I walked trough the sliding metal door in the front of the prision. The reason why I like this picture, yes it has striaght lines but, the concrete path looks forboding to walk down.
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This was taken at Hot Lake Springs Hotel. Some time in November, I believe.
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This was taken out side of the back of my grandma's office. This was taken a little time after dusk.
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